新探索研究生英语提高级读写教程Unit 3 Behavior答案(U校园)

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新探索研究生英语提高级读写教程Unit 3 Behavior答案(U校园)

#新探索研究生英语提高级读写教程Unit 3 Behavior答案(U校园)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Academic exploration 1

Reading & understanding

二、Understanding the text

1、Comprehension 1

1)Para.1—— G







2、Comprehension 2

1)C     2)B     3)A     4)A     5)E     6)I     7)I / D     8)H     9)G

三、Language focus

2、Words in use(可拖动)


2)elapsed (加d)



5)abide by


7)  hypothesis

8)  integral







Thinking & exploring

一、Interpreting the text

1、Interpreting the text

1)Researchers want to find out if there exists a connection between criminal tendencies and genetic inheritance.

2)At the end of Para. 2, the author comments that although the theories supporting the notion seem convincing, they have been widely doubted due to lack of evidence.

3)Primary deviance refers to an initial act that deviates from social norms; secondary deviance refers to further, repeated or more serious acts committed by those who are negatively labeled.

4)According to Para. 5, no conclusive proof exists concerning the correlation between intelligence and crime. While Moffitt et al. (1981) and Denno (1994) found a negative correlation between IQ and criminal behavior, Menard and Morse (1984) considered the association too weak.

5)Critics argue that poor research methodology and design of these studies may have distorted the findings.

6)In the text, when reviewing existing literature, the author tends to introduce the theory or study first, and then offers critical comments on it. For example, in Para. 3, the author first introduces the labeling theory and then provides critics' comments on the theory as shown in the last sentence of the paragraph. It is also the case with Para. 4. The author first introduces "The Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development" (2013) and then makes critical comments on the study, as shown in the last sentence of the paragraph.

7)According to the author, while research suggests a connection between criminality and genetic inheritance, upbringing also plays a critical role in the development of criminal tendencies. The author draws the conclusion by conducting a detailed and critical review of relevant existing literature.

三、Getting the skill

1、Identifying in-text referencing


2、Practicing the skill 1

答案:Howard Becker further developed this notion in his 1963 publication, Outsiders, claiming that while society labels people as criminals to justify its condemnation, the deviants themselves use the label to justify their criminal behavior. Essentially, they commit further criminal offenses because it's simply "who they are." (Para. 3)

In Para. 3, Howard Becker's 1963 publication, Outsiders, is cited to further introduce the labeling theory. Both direct quoting and paraphrasing are used in this reference. Specifically, the author quotes "who they are" from the original source, and paraphrases Becker's claim in his own words.

3、Practicing the skill 2

答案:Three in-text references are found in the paragraph: Hein & Singer, 2008; Knafo et al., 2008b; Knafo et al., 2009. For the first reference, paraphrasing is used to give the definition of empathy; for the second reference, paraphrasing is used to introduce the study on empathy; for the third reference, paraphrasing is used to cite ideas from the study of Knafo et al. (2009).

Academic exploration 2

Reading & understanding

二、Understanding the text

1、Comprehension 1

1)Para.1—— C






2、Comprehension 2

1)D     2)F     3)C     4)B     5)A     6)E

三、Language focus

2、Words in use(可拖动)


2)intervention (去e,加tion)





7)  burgeoning

8)  trimmed (双写m,加ed)


1)  鉴于青少年易受外界影响,令人担心的是,他们的想法可能极易受他人左右,从而影响到自己的决定。


3)  这位神经学家发现,自己家的青少年的古怪举止越来越令人头疼,于是她决定研究青少年的思维过程,并将研究成果汇编成一本书。

4)  有研究表明,青少年时期大脑会发生显著变化,这一点与每一位父母都能证实的事实一致:青少年的大脑是一个非常复杂和动态的领域,一个不容易理解的领域。

5)  从青春期开始,大脑被重塑。神经元和作为神经元之间接点的突触,在大脑皮层中激增,然后在整个青少年时期被逐渐修剪。最终,40%以上的突触被剪除,它们主要分布在大脑前额叶。

Thinking & exploring

一、Interpreting the text

1)The author uses different expressions to describe the stereotypical teenage behavior in Para. 1, like "self-possessed one minute and foolhardy the next," "all gasoline, no brakes, and no steering wheel," "particularly incapable of rationality" and "erratic."

2)The pronoun "this" refers to the oversimplification mentioned in the preceding sentence that teenagers are generally unable to act rationally or make good decisions.

3)The author cites the study to support the argument that our ability to plan and recall events, and to coordinate tasks begins to decline rapidly in our mid to late twenties.

4)The seemingly erratic teenage behavior does not necessarily mean that teenage brains are born to be impulsive. According to research results cited in the text, neurologically, teenage brains are capable of effective decision-making and self-control, but factors such as synaptic pruning, regular influxes of dopamine and the competition between the prefrontal cortex and the brain's reward center affect their ability to make rational decisions.

5)The author considers the propensity toward risk-taking beneficial, because it is one of the factors that drive adolescents to seek out the kind of new experiences that might shape their careers.

6)By saying so, the author suggests delayed decision-making on the part of adolescents.

三、Getting the skill

1、Identifying cause and effect


2、Practicing the skill 1

        Perhaps the most often cited cause of stereotypical teenage behavior is the underdevelopment of the prefrontal cortex—the section of our brains that governs impulses and emotions, and makes rational decisions. (Para. 2)

        According to Luna et al. (2010), synaptic pruning is not the only factor that distinguishes adolescent brains from their adult counterparts. (Para. 3)

        However, the ability of teenagers to make rational decisions is overridden by the rush of dopamine—the hormone which triggers feelings of happiness—that occurs when they take risks. (Para. 3)

        However, synaptic pruning, regular influxes of dopamine, and the competition between the prefrontal cortex and the brain's reward center all affect the ability of teenagers to make clear, rational decisions. (Para. 6)

        Yet, perhaps this increased propensity for risk-taking should be seen as beneficial as it is undoubtedly one of the factors that drive adolescents to seek out the kind of new experiences that might shape their careers. (Para. 6)

3、Practicing the skill 2

        In a study by researchers at the UCLA brain mapping center, they found that certain regions of teen brains became activated by "likes" on social media, sometimes causing them to want to use social media more.

        As a result, the brain scans revealed that in addition to a number of regions, the nucleus accumbens, part of the brain's reward circuitry, was especially active when they saw a large number of likes on their own photos.

        What they found is that the type of image had no impact on the number of likes given by teens in the study.

        Researchers believe this behavior shows that peers can have both a positive and negative influence on others while using social media.

Critical thinking

一、Getting the skill

1、Strengthening an argument


2、Practicing the skill 1

1)It is just an opinion with no evidence.

2)Studies that show a lack of correlation between intelligence and crime.

Case studies that show intelligent individuals also commit crimes.

Examples of crimes that require a high level of intelligence to commit.

3、Practicing the skill 2

1)It is not that the prefrontal cortex is not developed, but that it may be influenced by other factors such as the dopamine that intervene with the decision-making process (Luna et al., 2010).

2)When reacting to situations without emotional cues, teenagers performed as well as adults and often even better (Casey & Caudle, 2013; Somerville, Hare & Casey, 2011).

3)In particular brain speed and problem-solving declined noticeably at 27 (Salthouse, 2009).

Academic writing

Writing model

一、Essay prompt

Bad hehavior in teenagers is affected by different factors and has a great impact on education. Collect data and write an essay to discuss the causes of bad teenage behavior and its effects on education.

二、Model analysis

1、Task 1

1)Para.1—— C        2)Para.2——A        3)Para.3——B

2、Task 2

1)B.effect      2)A.cause      3)A.cause      4)B.effect      5)B.effect      6)B.effect

3、Task 3

1)The writer strengthens the argument by citing the research results of Jaffee et al. (2012).

Language for writing

一、Vocabulary development

1、Vocabulary for describing cause and effect


     答案:C E A B H G D F


1)A.can trigger

2)A.be influenced by

3)B.result from

4)B.stem from


6)B.brings about


1、Inverted conditionals:unreal past


1)negative influence of her peers / might not develop criminal tendencies

I'd argue that _____

答案:I'd argue that had it not been for the negative influence of her peers, she might not have developed criminal tendencies.

2)Roberts not be labeled a criminal / he not go on to a life of crime

Lemert would argue that _____

答案:Lemert would argue that had Roberts not been labeled a criminal, he would not have gone on to a life of crime.

3)subjects raised in a more stable environment / they cause fewer problems at school

It seems highly likely that _____

答案:It seems highly likely that had the subjects been raised in a more stable environment, they would have caused fewer problems at school.

4)they grow up in a more affluent area / far less likely to turn to crime

This implies that _____

答案:This implies that had they grown up in a more affluent area, they would have been far less likely to turn to crime.

5)the study be conducted today / results may be different

Critics argue that _____

答案:Critics argue that had the study been conducted today, the results may have been different.


1)What does the research indicate about chronic offenders and their upbringing?

答案:The research indicates that had the children been raised by a non-offending father, they may not have gone on to become chronic offenders themselves.

2)How might the results have been different if the sample size had been bigger?

答案:Had the sample size been much bigger, the results might have been significantly different.

Writing skill

一、Getting the skill

2、Practicing the skill 1



2)This (首字母大写)



5)Technological developments(首字母大写)



1)Governments can intervene in many _____, such as changing the starting hours of school or delaying the age people start school.

答案:changing the starting hours of school, delaying the age people start school

2)The influence of peers peaks during teenager years. _____ can result in people making different decisions to maintain the social cohesion.

答案:The influence of peers

3)We inherit many characteristics from our parents, however; the tendency for _____ to grow or diminish in influence is shaped by our environment.


4)The original _____, which suggested that teenagers have poor decision-making skills, have been contradicted by many subsequent studies.

答案:teenagers have poor decision-making skills

5)_____ have been associated with playing a role in teenage brain development. Some argue that time spent on playing video games or social media has hindered brain development as people spend less time on more productive activities.

答案:video games, social media

6)Although intelligence cannot be said to be a cause of crime, _____ is often a factor that shows a high level of correlation.


3、Practicing the skill 2





5)social groups / peers




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